Saturday, October 13, 2007

Right Brain vs Left Brain

This was shared on the forums at the simple living network . It's an interesting test to see whether you are left or right brained. I have no idea as to the authenticity of this. I am *lightening* after all. :-) My gullability ratings haven't improved all that much in the past 20 years.

But, accurate or not, it has still created a lot of fun. The idea is to see whether this dancer is turning in a clockwise or anti-clockwise direction. That's supposed to give you an indication of whether you are "left brained" or "right brained".

So far it has caused much debate in our family. I can only get it to turn in a clockwise direction. No matter what I have tried, I can't see anything else. I got DS to have a try, thinking that he would be "right brained" (being so good at maths and all) and would therefore see it turning anti-clockwise (which is supposed to be the most common direction seen). He started off seeing it turning clockwise and then found it would randomly change directions as he watched.

Well, DH got home and we all crowded around the computer monitor. He also found it would change the direction in which it was turning as he watched. Of course he, in all his wisdom, kept insisting DS was wrong if he claimed it was going in a different direction to what DH thought it was going in. *sigh*. Took me a good few times of telling him it wasn't *wrong* it was just their brains viewing it differently. Perhaps I needed a piece of 2x4 to whop him up the side of the head. Of course how he sees the world is how everyone should!!!!

So, DH and DS can both see it changing directions. I can still only see it turning clockwise. How about you? Let us know what you see when you view her. :-)


Anonymous said...

Jodi, she is going clockwise for me and I have clicked on and off a few times and she's always going clockwise. Will have to get my DH to have a look later and see what he sees - will be interesting! Thanks for the link. Aren't our brains fascinating. Have a great weekend


emma.jean said...

She definitely looks to be dancing anti-clockwise to me... although I would have thought of myself as being more right-brained. The only way I can see her turning clockwise is to look down, towards the shadow. Interesting. :)

lightening said...

Hey Emma - I was thinking it was a *trick* and the answer might be the shadow. But it's still going clockwise for me (yes, I had another look lol) with the shadow going anti-clockwise. It must be quite strange for those who find it keeps changing directions on them.

lightening said...

Ooh, ooh, I did it!!!!! I looked out the corner of my left eye and nearly sent myself crossed eyed and I saw her turning anti-clockwise!!!!! Can you tell I'm excited????? LOLOL. I was able to do it twice but not a third time. My poor eyes aren't thanking me for all the weird manoeverings though. LOL.

Lis said...

Clockwise for me mostly, but i did manage to get ther to go anti-clockwise a few times!

Anonymous said...

I had it going anti clockwise to start with, but going both directions pretty quickly. Its just a matter of changing focus points. Interesting. Thanks for sharing this. I'll be passing it on.

Anonymous said...

LOL had it going both directions but couldnt convince DBF that it doesn't just go clockwise. It gave me a headache lol but it is good, can't wait til the kids come home tonight to show them and see what they say.

Snoskred said...

Hey Lightening,

She started out anti clockwise and then by looking at the shadow as Emma Jean said, she went clockwise. I changed her back just by thinking about it. I think it is because I started learning art which is the other side of the brain to what I am used to using. ;)

While I'm here, a few months ago I added you to my "new blogs I am test driving" sidebar. I am dropping back to let you know I love your blog and I'm adding you to my permanent blogroll now.


Frogdancer said...

How Hilarious! Now I know why Jack and I fight all the time! We're both right brained... all of those seething, imaginative emotions....

The other three kids are left brained. We were killing ourselves laughing, all of us in front of the laptop and disagreeing on which way she was going.

lightening said...

I'm glad you're all having fun with the dancing lady. :-) I haven't gone back to look today for which my eyes and brain are thankful.

Snoskred - thank you for your kind comments about my blog. I value your opinion highly. :-)

Lil said...

Wow, gave me a headache! lol. She mainly danced anti-clockwise for me. If I concentrated hard enough, I could get her to go clockwise - took a lot of effort though and gave me a headache, lol. As soon as I stopped concentrating really hard, or briefly looked away and looked back again, she would be back to dancing anti-clockwise!
Luv Lil xox

Anonymous said...

This was so fun and weird!! I could make her go back and forth! What does that say about my brain??
LOL Madly Saving

lightening said...

If she goes back and forth easily, I think it means you can use both sides of your brain reasonably easily/well. Try to relax and see which way she goes and that *might* tell you which side of your brain is most dominant. It may be that you have a fairly even dominance.