Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Felted Bags

Well the bags for my nieces are now almost finished. They both have unusual names so I liked the idea of putting their names onto the bags. My thinking being that with unusual names, they may not have much with their own name on it. However, with issues of stranger danger, I didn't want someone to see their names if they were out and about and use that as a way to become too familiar with them. So I decided to place their first initial on the front of the bag and their names under the flap where they get to see them but if they're out, no one else can see it.

I'm really happy with how they have turned out and DD has already asked me if I can make her one too. At the moment I'm trying to work out if I can make her one while she is at school and give it to her for Christmas.

I bought the glitter fabric paint and love heart buttons from Spotlight. The sequins were some that I had in my "stash" already. I've found the process of making these bags so special. I hope they get as much enjoyment from them as I've had making them. :-) And of course, there is more fun to come as I look around for some special things to put inside.


Kin said...

They are great! Can you make me one too? ;-)

Anonymous said...

You are so very clever - wish I had your talent and patience!
Madly Saving

Kez said...

They look wonderful - the girls should love them!