Wednesday, August 1, 2007

August 1st

Isn't it funny the difference a day can make? Yesterday, being still July, felt like we were about half way through the year. Today, now that the calendar says August, it feels like Christmas is just around the corner. LOL.

I remember even as a kid (well probably a teenager really) how the first half of the year seemed to drag by slowly whereas the second half of the year seemed to fly by much faster. Not sure why.

Perception of time is an interesting concept really. A bit like the saying "time flies when you're having fun". It's not time that changes is it? It's one of the few things in life that truly does stay constant.

I'm sure many of us would love to find a way to make time slow down (or even stand still occasionally). :-) All we can really do though is make sure we use the time we have well.

I always thought that the way to use time well was to pack as much as I could into the time I had. That works out to be false economy though. Half the time I was doing one thing while thinking about the next thing to be done (not being "in the moment"). Or I'd be so tired, I could hardly enjoy what I was trying to do.

Today I did some pottering around outside - pulled a few weeds, planted a few seeds and chatted to my chookies. Not the most efficient use of time by today's standards - but boy did I feel good afterward! I'm slowly learning that going slowly is not a waste of time but rather a USE of time. Being in the moment we actually get to experience that moment instead of wasting it thinking about something else.

And of course - the more you try to pack into your time, the faster it seems to move. I could spend all day pondering on time and not really made any headway into my understanding of it. And God being outside of time - there's a whole different facet to the concept of time that really blows my mind. Some things just "are" and thinking about them too much can leave me with nothing but a headache. :-)

And since I mentioned the dreaded "C" word - how many of you have started getting ready for Christmas? LOL. I promise you, it'll be here before we know it. :-)


Kin said...

Your post reminded me of several things, but firstly, Time. DH and I are avid fantasy readers, and as such have read quite a few Terry Pratchett books. One of his books "Theif of Time" is what I thought of while reading your post. In this book, Time was, of course, a person, who existed outside of time, and independent of the universe, much like Death. It's a very complicated story, and not all that relevant, but it reminded me of it, because in the book not only does Time exist outside time as we know it, but can also control it. There are funny scenes of speeding up boring days in some cities, while slowing down time in others where the weather is nicer. Anyway, I digress.

Christmas. Yes. Having not decided whether we're travelling for Christmas this year, I have decided to purchase my family gifts from the Oxfam catalogue. It's not like we need anything anyway. I might make something small if I'm inspired. Children's gifts are all organised and on layby at Big W. IL's are impossible, so we usually stick to book vouchers or DVD's. Easy things to pick up when you see them. I haven't seen anything yet.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the reminder that Christmas is not far off! Today it was staring me in the face when I saw Christmas decorations and wrappings already on display! Can you believe it? I have decided not to panic about it but be wiser this year! I think I will buy my retired m-i-l as variety of new cards and present them in a nice box. She loves practical gifts! Last year my family pooled money and provided clean water resources for 10 3rd world families and we were all blessed too. I purchased the gifts through a catalogue which is something like "The worlds most useful catalogue" on the net. THere are many ideas in there and powerful ones too. You can use it for any gifts, Christmas, birthday , wedding etc. Even the kids at school recently gave a goat to a family through this. How humbling. Check it out!
What ideas have you got lightening? Let's remember the real reason for the season and enjoy the moment!

Anonymous said...

Back again - this is the site for those of you who are interested in an alternative gift idea:


lightening said...

Christmas stuff in shops now is just plain stupid!!! I know they had some for their mid year sales. *sigh*

I think those useful gifts are a great idea. Last year we bought a vegie garden for my grandparents who had just moved into a unit and have not a lot of room for gardening anymore - thought they'd get a kick out of knowing they had a garden somewhere in the world. We also bought a garden pack for our kids - on top of their other thinsgs. We want them to grow up with at least some understanding that their are others in the world that have a LOT less than they do. We also bought chickens for both sets of parents (this was only part of their present though). I think I got some from world vision and some from oxfam. It's the first year I've done something like that.

I think the pack of cards is a great idea. We bought a set of blank cards for my MIL one year and she really loved it. There's nothing worse than adding to someone's clutter just for the sake of giving a gift is there?

We no longer buy for our siblings. I have 2 sets of parents and 1 set grandparents I buy for plus 4 nephews and 3 nieces. Not really sure what I'm doing with any of those yet.

Our family is getting a PS2 this year (bought at the Target sales). That covers DH and I as well so really only need to get a "Santa" gift for each of the kids plus some bits and pieces. So not too much shopping that needs to be done. :-)

Anonymous said...

Re the cards, I may even add some home made ones in the box too as she loves home made cards too. She is easy to please. Nieces and nephews are hard and as mine are mostly teens or very young, I try to find something funny! That's a trial in itself! I have also given them holiday survival packs once - a bag filled with snacks, fizzy, movie pass, game, a ball, playdough, cake mix, etc.... I love those sort of parcels myself.
For adults, I have also made sweet chilli sauce myself and put in a bottle, wrapped in a nice Christmas tea towel and that was a hit! Easy to make too.
For some very young friends I once made a gingerbread family and iced them accordingly, sadly some legs and arms broke and i had to give them plaster casts and toothpick crutches. THey loved them.

Keep the creative juices flowing for more ideas! You have inspired me now!

Lis said...

Have not yet thought about christmas, but as my children are now older they usually choose one more expensive item and then I add a couple of "surprises" but usually practical and fun gifts. My boyfriend and I normally work on thoughtful but not expensive gifts and the only other people I buy for are my parents. This year I am thinking of giving them a gift basket full of homemade items, not only cakes and jams and such but maybe some packs of home made quick mix biscuit or cake ingredients. Not sure what else, but at least now everyone has me thinking about it.